What is the wire drawing process?

Wire Drawing

Simply put, wire drawing is a process in which the cross section of a wire is reduced by a number of molds and stretched in correction, and this does not require a high temperature, and the stretching process is possible at room temperature.

To start the process, first the beginning of the wire (cross section) is hammered, rolled, scraped and pinned so that it can pass through the mold and then to continue the work process, the wire is pulled by the machine. In this process, the volume of the wire is constant, but its cross-section changes in different stages, and finally the length of the wire increases. These steps are done in Delta Wire Industrial Company by automatic machines, so the work is produced with high accuracy and delivered to the customer. This type of tension is called cold tension and in this type of tension, the properties of the wire are changed, for example, its strength is greatly increased.


What is the application of stretched wire in industries?

Wire traction is used in electrical wiring, cables, springs, paper clips, wheel spokes, stringed instruments, and more.





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