What is welding wire and submerged arc welding?
Submerged arc welding is one of the most common welding methods that establishes the connection between parts through the electrode. Submerged arc welding is called SAWfor short. The type of welding in this process is arc (in arc welding, one or more arcs are formed between the metal electrodes and the welding pool). To protect against air pollution and oxidation, the arc is placed under a powder composed of lime, silica, manganese oxide, calcium fluoride and other compounds.. In this type of welding, the electric arc is hidden under the welding powder, for this reason, this style of welding is also called hidden arc welding. One of the reasons for using welding powder is to protect against splashing of molten material, sparks, smoke and direct UV radiation by completely covering the melted area during welding.
In submerged arc welding, the end of the welding wire is placed inside the lubricant mass that covers the weld joint. The wire used in this process is stainless steel with copper coating. The reason for using copper coating is to ensure the proper transmission of electricity, reduce wear of nozzles, prevent rust and corrosion of welding wire, especially during storage in the warehouse.
Welding Wire specifications
- Wires used must have a clean surface and free of contaminants.
Specifications of the powder used
- In the form of grains with special granulation
- Contains mineral metal oxides (naturally or melted)
For more information on the price of co2 welding wireand to buy co2 wire and other Delta wire products, call 09121147793.